通信地址:北京市新街口外大街19号 北京师范大学化学学院
张华北,博士, 北京师范大学教授,博士生导师。 曾任放射性药物教育部重点实验室副主任,中国核学会核化学与放射化学学分会副主任委员, 中国化学会核化学与放射化学专业委员会副主任,北京核学会核医学和分子影像专委会副主任委员, 《,中国核学会同位素分会常务理事,中国同位素与辐射行业协会专家咨询委员会委员,核化学与放射化学》杂志副主编, 《同位素》杂志副主编。张华北是放射性药物教育部重点实验室主要学术带头人之一,长期从事药物设计、合成、标记和生物性质评价。 正式发表论文90多篇(除少数几篇之外均为第一作者或通讯作者), 其中许多文章发表在J. Med. Chem.,Curr. Med. Chem.,Curr. Pharm. Des.等国外重要杂志上,授权国家科技发明专利多项。主持国家16个重大科技专项《重大新药创制》国家重大科技专项、国家科技支撑课题以及国家自然科学基金多项。 张华北在中国科学院组织的《放射化学咨询报告》中担任放射性药物部分的负责人和主要撰稿人,该报告得到温家宝总理和刘延东副总理的重要批示,主要负责起草的《关于加强放射性药物研发的建议》得到了我国34位两院院士的签名支持。张华北还是国家自然科学基金委组织的《无机化学学科前沿与展望》一书放射化学部分的负责人和主要撰稿人。在第八届中日双边放射性药物会议(2010年,北京)和第十二届全国放射性药物与标记化合物会议(2014年,合肥)担任大会组委会执行主席。
1. 计算机辅助药物分子设计
2. 药物合成
3. 放射性标记
4. 生物评价
1. 主持《重大新药创制》国家重大科技专项(项目名称:用于重大疾病诊治的创新放射性药物研制;项目编号:2014ZX09507007,经费:1401.06万元:起止时间:2014.1-2017.12)
2. 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目名称:新型神经型烟碱乙酰胆碱α7受体显像剂的设计与合成;项目编号:21371026; 经费:85元万; 起止时间:2014.1-2017.12)
3. 国家科技支撑课题(课题名称:脑受体等五种放射性药物研究;课题编号:2014BAA03B03,经费:363万元)
4. 持横向课题(项目名称:锕系与镧系元素配位化学计算, 经费:10万元;起止时间:2011.1-2014.12)
5. 持横向课题(项目名称:放射性药物影像学研究(二期), 经费:5万元;起止时间:2014.3-2014.6)
1. Zeng HH, Zhang HB*,Synthesis and biological evaluation of fatty acids conjugates bearing cyclopentadienyl-donors incorporated [(99m)Tc/Re(CO)3](+) for myocardical imaging, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014,24(72):10-7
2. Yu HJ, Fang Y, Lu X, Liu YJ, Zhang HB*,Combined 3D-QSAR, Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, and Binding Free Energy Calculation Studies on the 5-Hydroxy-2H-Pyridazin-3-One Derivatives as HCV NS5B Polymerase Inhibitors, CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN ,2014, 83: 89-105
3. Zeng HH, Zhao LZ, Hu SY, Liu YJ, Yu HJ, Chen N, Zhang HB*.,Synthesis, characterization and biodistribution of new fatty acids conjugates bearing N,N,N-donors incorporated [(99m)Tc/Re(CO)(3)](+), Dalton Trans. 2013, 42(8):2894-901.
4. Lu X, Zhao LZ, Xue T, Zhang HB*, Technetium-99m- Arg-Arg-Leu(g2), a modified peptide probe targeted to neovascularization in molecular tumor imaging, J BUON. 2013 ;18(4):1074-81.
5. Hu S, Yu H, Liu Y, Xue T, Zhang H. Insight into the binding model of new antagonists of kappa receptor using docking and molecular dynamics simulation. J Mol Model. 2013,19(8):3087-94.
6. Zeng HH, Zhang HB, Wu XX, Preliminary studies of a novel cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl technetium-99m fatty acid derivative for myocardical imaging, JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS ,2013,56(1): 1-5.
7. Liu YJ, Yu HJ, Zhao, LZ, Zhang HB*, Design and synthesis of new agents for neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) imaging, NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY,2013, 40(1): 126-134
8. Liu YJ, Yu HJ, Zhao, LZ, Zhang HB*,Design and synthesis of new agents for neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) imaging, NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 40(1): 126-134,2013.
9. Zhao, Lingzhou; Liu, Yongjuan; Hu, Shiyuan; ZhangHB* , 3D-QSAR study of Chk1 kinase inhibitors based on docking, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, 2012,18(8): 3669-3694
10. Chen Na; Liu Chunkai; Zhao Lingzhou, Zhang Huabei*, 3D-QSAR study of multi-target-directed AchE inhibitors based on autodocking, MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 21(2): 245-256,2012
11. Zeng H, Zhang H, Jang F, Zhao L, Zhang J. Molecular Modeling Studies on Benzimidazole Carboxamide Derivatives as PARP-1 Inhibitors Using 3D-QSAR and Docking, Chem Biol Drug Des. 2011,78(3):333-52.
12. Zeng Huahui; Zhang Huabei,Domestic Advances in Brain, Heart, and Tumor Radioactive Diagnosis Drugs,PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011,23(7): 1485-1492
13. Yang Yang; Zhu Lin; Chen Xiangji,Binding research on flavones as ligands of beta-amyloid aggregates by fluorescence and their 3D-QSAR, docking studies, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING ,2010,29( 4): 538-545
14. Yang Y, Zhu L, Cui MC, Tang RK, Zhang HB* Preparation of classical Re/Tc-99m(CO)(3)(+) and novel Tc-99m(CO)(2)(NO)(2+) cores complexed with flavonol derivatives and their binding characteristics for A beta((1-40)) aggregates,BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2010, 20( 17): 5337-5344
15. Zeng HH, Zhang HB*,Combined 3D-QSAR modeling and molecular docking study on 1,4-dihydroindeno[1,2-c]pyrazoles as VEGFR-2 kinase inhibitors, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING,2010, 29(1), 54-71, 2010
16. Cao R, Mi N, Zhang H*. 3D-QSAR study of c-Src kinase inhibitors based on docking. J Mol Model. 2010,16(2):361-75.
17. Yang Y, Zhang JX, Zhu L, Zhang H* Synthesis, Novel Crystal Structure, and beta-Amyloid Binding Property of Re(I) (tricarbonyl) EHIDA Analogue Bioinorg Chem Appl. 2009:702730.
18. Cao R, Mi N, Zhang H*.,3D-QSAR study of c-Src kinase inhibitors based on docking.J Mol Model. 2010 Feb;16(2):361-75.
19. Yang Y, Zhu L, Zhang HB*. Di-tert-butyl 2,2'-[(2-hydroxyethyl)azanediyl] diacetate ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE 2009,65(12)3167-U1248.
20. Cao R, Zeng H, Zhang H*.,3D-QSAR studies on a series of inhibitors docked into a new homology model of the DNA-PK receptor. Curr. Pharm. Des. 2009; 15(32): 3796-825.
21. Cao HY, Cao R, Zhang HB*, Zheng XF, Gao DB,Non-nucleoside Inhibitors of NS5B Polymerase Binding to Allosteric Sites: 3D- QSAR and Molecular Docking Studies,Curr. Med. Chem., 2008,15: 1462-77.
22. Zhang HB*, Hu SP, Zhang YL. Prediction of distribution of neutral, acidic and basic structurally diverse compounds between blood and brain by the nonlinear methodology. Med Chem. 2008 , 4:170-89.
23. Zhang HB*, Li H, Ma QQ QSAR study of a large set of 3-pyridyl ethers analogues,Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2007, 26: 226-235.
24. Cao HY, Zhang HB*,Zheng XF, Gao DB,3D QSAR studies on a series of potent and high selective inhibitors for three kinases of RTK family,Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2007, 26:236-245.
25. Zhang HB*, Zhang YL, Convenient Nonlinear Model for Predicting the Tissue/Blood Partition Coefficients of Seven Human Tissues of Neutral, Acidic and Basic Structural-Diverse Compounds, J. Med. Chem., 2006,49:, 5815-5829.
26. Zhou JM, Zhou JH, Zhang HB, et al. Fluoro-substitution effects in deoxyfluoro-D-glucose derivatives: random conformational search and quantum chemical calculation , CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH, 2006, 341: 2224-2232.
27. Zhang HB*, A QSAR Study of the Brain/Blood Partition Coefficients on the Basis of pKa Values, QSAR & combinary chemistry, 2006, 25:, 15-24.
28. Zhang HB*, Li H, Liu CP,CoMFA, CoMSIA and Molecular Hologram QSAR Studies of Novel Neuronal nAChRs Ligands – Open Ring Analogues of 3-pyridyl Ether,J. Chem. Inf. model. 2005, 45: 440-448.
29. Zhang HB*, Ye HH, Zhang YL , et al.Synthesis, biodistribution and QSAR studies of five Tc-99m labeled novel N3S pseudo-peptide complexes, Med. Chem. Res. 2005, 14: 40-56.
30. Zhang HB*, A new approach for the tissue-blood partition coefficients of neutral and ionized compounds, J. Chem. Inf. model. 2005, 45:121-127.
1. 张华北, 赵凌舟; 卢霞; 薛甜, 一种具有粘着斑激酶抑制作用的嘧啶类化合物及其制备方法和应用,专利号:2012105919329,授权公告日:2015-4-29
2. 张华北;曾华辉; 于海静,新型锝-99m标记的高级脂肪酸衍生物,专利号:2011101492546,授权公告日:2014-06-25