通信地址:北京市新街口外大街19号, 北京师范大学化学学院
电话:010 5880 5373
1. Sun, F. F.; Zhao, S. N.; Peng, M. S.; Fu, Q.; Gao, H. M; Jia, Y. J.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* Sequencing of Small DNA Fragments with Aggregated-Induced-Emission Molecule-Labeled Nucleotides. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92(10), 7179-7185
2. Fang, Z. Y.;Wang, R. H.; Zhao, H. S.; Yao, H.; Ouyang, J*; Zhang, X.R. Mannose Promotes Metabolic Discrimination Osteosarcoma Cells at Single-Cell Level by Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92(3), 2690-2696
3. Peng, M. S; Sun, F. F.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* Target-Triggered Assembly of Nanogap Antennas to Enhance the Fluorescence of Single Molecules and Their Application in MicroRNA Detection. Small 2020, 16(19), 8.2000460.
4. Jia, Y. J; Shen, X. T; Sun, F. F.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* Metal-DNA coordination based bioinspired hybrid nanospheres for in situ amplification and sensing of microRNA. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2020. 8,11074-11078
5. Wang F. Y.; Na N.; Ouyang J.* A catalytic-regulated gold nanorods etching process as a receptor with multiple readouts for protein detection. Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2020, 318, 128-215
6. Cui, Y.Y.; Yuan, C.; Tan, H. W.; Zhang, Z. B.; Jia, Y. J.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* Plasmon‐Enhanced Fluorescent Sensor based on Aggregation‐Induced Emission for the Study of Protein Conformational Transformation, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1807211.
7. Wang, R. H.; Zhao, H. S.; Zhang, X. C.; Zhao, X.; Song, Z.; Ouyang, J.* Metabolic Discrimination of Breast Cancer Subtypes at the SingleCell Level by Multiple Microextraction Coupled with Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 3667-3674.
8. Peng, M. S.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* A Fluorescence Light‐Up Silver Nanocluster Beacon Modulated by Metal Ions and Its Application in Telomerase‐Activity Detection, Chem. Eur. J.,2019, 25, 3598-3605.
9. Peng, M. S.; Fang, Z. Y.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* A versatile single-molecule counting-based platform by generation of fluorescent silver nanoclusters for sensitive detection of multiple nucleic acids, Nanoscale 2019, 11, 16606-1661
10. Peng, M. S.; Wang Y.; Fu Q.; Sun F. F.; Na N.; Ouyang J.* Melanosome-Targeting Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe with Large Stokes Shift for in Situ Quantification of Tyrosinase Activity and Assessing Drug Effects on Differently Invasive Melanoma Cells, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90(10), 6206-6213
11. Niu, C. X.; Peng, M. S.; You, Y.; Wang, R. H.; Jia, Y. J.; Xie, T. X.; Wang, J. Y.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* A comparative study of plasmonic-enhanced single-molecule fluorescence induced by gold nanoantennas and its application for illuminating telomerase, Chem. Commun.2017, 53(41), 5633-5636.
12. Song, Q. W.; Wang, R. H.; Sun, F. F.; Chen, H. K.,; Wang, Z. M.K.; Na, N.; Ouyang, J.* A nuclease-assisted label-free aptasensor for fluorescence turn-on detection of ATP based on the in situ formation of copper nanoparticles, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2017, 87, 760-763.
13. Sun F. F.; You, Y.;Liu J.; Song, Q. W.; Shen X. T.; Na N.; Ouyang, J.* DNA Three-Way Junction for Differentiation of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Fluorescent Copper Nanoparticles, Chem. Eur. J.2017, 23(29), 6979-6982.
14. Niu, C. X.; Song, Q. W; He, Gen; Na, Na; Ouyang, J* Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Probes for Bioapplications Based on Silica-Coated Gold Nanobipyramids with Distance-Dependent Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence, Anal. Chem. 2016, 88(22), 11062-11069
15. Wang L.; Song Q. W.; Liu Q. L.; He D. C.; and Ouyang J*. Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence-based Core–Shell Gold Nanorods as a Near-IR Fluorescent Turn-on Sensor for the Highly Sensitive Detection of Pyrophosphate in Aqueous Solution. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 7017.