
美国耶鲁大学周江兵教授与黄艺耘教授来化学学院做放射性药物化学的相关报告2019-04-113月20日上午,来自耶鲁大学脑外及生物医学工程的周江兵教授作了题为“Bio-nanotechnology: Interface of Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering”的学术报告。
学术报告:美国耶鲁大学,Prof. Yiyun Henry Huang,Lessons in Radiopharmaceutical Development: Serendipity or Design?2019-03-19学术报告:美国耶鲁大学,Prof. Yiyun Henry Huang,Lessons in Radiopharmaceutical Development: Serendipity or Design?
学术报告:美国耶鲁大学,Prof. Jiangbing Zhou,Bio-nanotechnology: Interface of Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering2019-03-19学术报告:美国耶鲁大学,Prof. Jiangbing Zhou,Bio-nanotechnology: Interface of Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering
学术报告:日本滨松光子学中心研究所,Prof.Hideo Tsukada,PET Probe Development and Application - Impact of Mitochondria Imaging Pr...2018-11-15FDG-PET is a unique technique for quantitative imaging of regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglc) in living brain. However, 18F-FDG was taken up into not only normal tissues but also inflammatory regions with microglial activation which humper the accurate diagnoses of brain diseases.
学术报告:耶鲁大学医学院PET中心,李松晔博士,A Lifetime Story of A PET Radiotracer: Development of Novel PET Radiotracers for Imagi...2018-04-20报告题目:A Lifetime Story of A PET Radiotracer: Development of Novel PET Radiotracers for Imaging Kappa Opioid Receptor
学术报告:美国耶鲁大学 Prof. Henry Yiyun Huang,Peeking into the mind: Use of molecular imaging to investigate brain funct...2018-04-20Henry Yiyun Huang教授现任美国耶鲁大学PET中心主任,是国际公认的放射性药物化学领域知名专家。其研究方向专注于新型正电子药物的研发和利用,特别是针对脑受体PET显像剂的研究。
学术报告:美国耶鲁大学 Prof. Jiangbing Zhou,Nanotechnology approaches for drug delivery to the brain2018-04-20Jiangbing Zhou教授就职于耶鲁大学生物医学工程,是国际知名的神经外科和生物医学工程跨学科领域的学者。研究涉及纳米医学,大脑癌症干细胞,神经退行性疾病,基因治疗,干细胞疗法,个性化治疗等方面。特别专长于药物输送入脑的纳米技术方法研究。